Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Gettysburg Day 1

What an amazing program the National Parks Service has prepared for the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg!  Every day they run free shuttle buses to various parts of the battlefield significant to that day’s battle.  I took the shuttle today and went to Little Round Top, The Wheatfield, The Peach Orchard and the High Water Mark.  Each of these stops had Park Rangers explaining what went on there July 2, 1863 and there were also reenactors in uniform at Little Round Top.  Here is a Federal Signal Corpsman:

(I have learned to ask teenagers to take pictures with my iPhone.  They do not hesitate, and they take really good pictures.  That was not the case in Memphis when I imposed on a retired couple.)

Tonight I will review the complimentary Commemorative Events Guide furnished by the National Parks Service and The Gettysburg Foundation to plan my remaining five days here, keeping in mind I have special tickets to reenactments on Friday and Sunday.  So much to do!